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在雅思考试中,常常会被问到的一个问题就是喜好的问题,What’s yourfavourite colour? What’s your favourite animal? What’s your favourite number? Whatflower do you like? 好,烤鸭们被问到这样的问题,第一反应就是:My favourite…is…。

或者就是I like…. 这样的回答不能说好,至少没错,但一旦被问到Why? 的时候,许多学生大概瞬间“石化”了,第一反应就是:No why. 且不说没有回答考官想要的答案,更不用说考官想从你的答案中“探测”出你的英语水平。这个回答:No why? What do you mean by saying“No why”?至少你得说出There’s no reason吧,如果要更简单点, I just like it,也比犯一个那么明显的语法错误要强。


究其原因,不外乎就是:口才不够好。有烤鸭说“我连中文都不知道怎么说!”, “哪有那么多为什么?就是喜欢啊!”假设是好朋友之间的闲聊,两人熟得不得了,一方约着出去玩,另一方不去,“就是不想去啊!”,于是乎一方说“去嘛去嘛!”,于是你们俩拉扯着就出去了。但雅思考试毕竟是考试,你在学校的时候肯定不会拉着监考老师说“老师,我不答不答就是不答啦!”,同样的,在雅思口语考试中,你也不可能让考官觉得“我不说我不说就是不说啦!”在雅思口语考试评分标准中Fluency and Coherence 的6分评判标准第一句话就是“is willing to speak at length”,一句No why就足够把你和考官之间的对话泼上一盆冷水,于是乎:GAME OVER。

烤鸭说了,“我想说啊,说不出来啊!”好,那么,请问如果中文能说出来吗?如果能,那么很好,原因肯定是:1.词汇量不够;2. 句型结构不熟悉。那么要努力的方向就很明确了。如果不能,那么原因肯定是:知识面不够广。那么是不是要多读些报纸呢?是不是要多看点新闻呢?是不是广涉猎群书呢?





学生的描述给老师最多的感觉就是,我怎么样,我怎么样,I am…, I like…, I think…,说到喜欢类,从来只是用like,于是乎,like这个词估计早就累死了。你想说I am Jack,是不是可以换成You can call me Jack?你想说I like…,是不是可以把like替换成be keen on, 替换成be crazy about,或者是 be a huge fan of,再来个简单的adore,这些都比like要波澜很多;你想说I think,是不是可以换成I suppose, 是不是可以用上很熟悉,但总没有I think那么脱口而出的in my opinion呢?

给人感觉像白开水,像平静湖面的除了词汇的多样性,不得不提到的还要语法使用的灵活性了。烤鸭们从接触英语开始,最开始学得大概就是My name is…, I come from…, 主系表结构和主谓宾结构,很好,没有任何的错误,有人问你How are you?你的回答一定是I’m fine, thank you , andyou?雅思口语考试评分标准中Grammatical range and accuracy 部分的5分里,produces basic sentence forms with reasonableaccuracy告诉你,用简单句,你用准确了,撑死5分。6分里,uses a mix of simple and complex structures but with limitedflexibility告诉你,你用了较复杂的句型,不太灵活,也还是能达到6分,这就启发我们,如果想说My favourite…的时候,可以换成What interests me themost is…,于是乎,简单句就变成了主语从句,再穿插着多用几个,那么该部分的评分要达到6分?近在咫尺。




雅思口语part 2 中有些话题比如描述图书馆,博物馆,旅游景点等等,考生常常觉得无从下手。这类卡片会牵涉很多专业词汇,考生容易说不出,或者说的很空洞,言之无物。在准备这些话题的时候,考生不妨参考一下剑桥1-8的听力原文,把听力中很多口语化的句子活学活用到雅思口语表达中。真正做到以听补说,以读补写。下面,以剑桥1test3section2的一篇讲述澳洲海洋博物馆的文章为例,看看,怎样用听力原文改编口语。

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Maritime Museum.


Now before we commence our tour I’d just like to tell you a little bit about the history of the museum. As you can see, it’s very modem building built in the post modern style and it was in fact opened by the Prime Minister ofAustraliain November 1991. It’s been designed with a nautical flavorin mind to remind US of our links with the sea. But the museum isn’t only housed in this building; there are a number of historic ships docked outside in the harbour ,which form part of the museum and which you are also free to visit, and we’ll be coming to them shortly.

在开始今天的行程前, 我来简单介绍一下我们博物馆的历史。这是一座十分现代的博物馆,建筑风格是后现代的。事实上它是1991年由澳大利亚总理开放的。博物馆在设计思路上具有航海风格,旨在提醒我们和大海的关系。这个博物馆不包含我们现在所在的这栋楼;外面的港口中还停泊着几艘历史悠久的船,这些船也是博物馆的一部分。大家也可以免费参观这些船,我们一会儿就去参观。

I’d just like to point out one or two things of general interest while we’re here. Handicapped toilets are located on this floor and the door shows a wheelchair. The cloakroom where you can hang your coat or leave your bags is just behind us here. The education centre is on the top floor and there’s a good little library in there which you might like to use. Follow the signs to the Education Centre--you’11 see a lot of little green arrows on the wall. The green arrows will take you there. The information desk, marked with the small letter i on your plan is located right here in the foyer, so if you get separated from your friends, I suggest you make your way back to the information desk because we’11 be returning to this spot at the end of the tour. All right?


Now, if you look out this window you should be able to see where the museum’s ships are docked. If you want to go on a tour of the old ship, the Vampire, she’s docked over there and you should meet outside on the quay. However, a word of warning! I don’t recommend it for the grandmas and grandpas because there are lots of stairs to climb. Right, now, let’s move on. Oh, I almost forgot to give you the times for that tour. Now, tours of the Vampire run on the hour, every hour. All right?


Let’s take a walk round the museum now. The first room we’re coming to is the theatre. This room is used to screen videos of special interest and we also use it for lectures. There’s a continuous video showing today about the voyages of Captain Cook, so come back here later on if you want to learn more about Captain Cook.


Now, we’re moving along the gallery known as the Leisure Gallery. This is one of our permanent exhibitions and here we try to give you an idea of the many different ways in which Australians have enjoyed their time by the sea: surfing, swimming, lifesaving clubs, that’s all very much a part of Australian culture. At the end of this section we’11 come to the Picture Gallery where we’ve got a marvelous collection of paintings, all by Australian artists. I think you can buy reproductions of some of these paintings in the museum shop. Well worth a good look.


Now we’re coming to the Members’ Lounge. As a member of the museum you would be entitled to use the members’ lounge for refreshments. Membership costs $50 ayear or $70 for all the family. So it’s quite good value because entry to the museum is then free.


And down at the far end of this floor, you’11 find the section which we’ve called Passengers and the Sea. In this part of the museum we’ve gathered together a wonderful collection of souvenirs from the old days when people traveled by ship. You’11 find all sorts of things there: old suitcases, ships’ crockery, first class cabins decorated in the fashion of the day. Just imagine what it must have been like to travel first class.


Now I’m going to leave you to walk round the museum on your own for a while and we’11 all meet back again at the information desk in three quarters of an hour’s time. I hope you enjoy your time with us at the museum today. Thank you.



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