甲乙双方经友好协商,就乙方拟在化工园区内投资建设年产 项目用地一事,达成项目用地协议如下:
一、 使用土地位置、面积
乙方拟投**建的年产 项目位于**化工园区,** ,南临 ,西至 ,北至 ,占地面积约 平方米,实际用地面积以规划确定面积为准(详见附图)。
二、 使用土地价格及付款方式
依据国家有关规定,用地单价暂定为 元/平方米(实
际单价以土地评估单位评估价为准),合计人民币大写 元整,¥ 元。本协议签定后三日内预付款人民币大写 元整,¥ 元,剩余部分在办理土地招拍挂手续时一并交齐,多退少补。
二О一О年 月 日
Agreement on
Party A:
Party B:
Party B will invest a project of annual capacity of in the chemical zone and both of the parties have reached the following agreement on the project land use in the zone through friendly negotiation between Party A and Party B:
I. Location and area of the land
Party B will invest a project of annual capacity of in the Jilin Chemical Zone, east to , on the south side, and west to , north to , which occupies an area of square meters. The actual land use area is based on confirmed planning area. (See figures for details)
II. Price of the land and mode of payment
Unit price of land is temporarily fixed at RMB Yuan/M2 in accordance with the relevant state regulations (actual unit price is set by evaluation by land appraisal institutions.) in total: RMB Yuan. Advance of RMB shall be paid within 3 days after the agreement is signed and the remaining funds shall be contributed fully by principle of returning the overcharge and demanding payment of the shortage when the procedure of tender, auction and listing of land is handled.
III. Rights and obligations of Party A
1. To provide Party B with active service and assist Party B to handle procedure of planning land.
2. To give adequate and systematic service of infrastructure and well-equipped public works system to satisfy use requirements.
IV. Rights and obligations of Party B
1. With the help of Party A, Party B will handle procedure of planning land as the requirements of the relevant departments.
2. To invest according to investment intensity and floor area ratio and shall enjoy preferential policy to attract foreign investments.
3. Party B shall bear relevant taxation and fee, namely delisting fee (land assessment fee, notice fee and map measurement fee), land management fee, construction land management fee and contract tax and so on when handling procedure of construction land.
4. To organize construction severely according to the planning requirements. In case of any changes, Party B must notify Party A in advance and must not amend the planning without authorization otherwise Party B shall be responsible for any resulting consequences.
5. On demand of production position, Party B shall give priority to utilize the surplus manpower under the same conditions after the chemical zone is used and handle relevant employment procedure in accordance with relevant provisions.
V. Unmentioned matters shall be discussed separately.
The agreement is made in quintuplicate. Three copies will be held by Party A and two copies by Party B. The agreement will come into force after it is signed and no breach of faith.
Party A:
Party B:
Date: Day Month Year