第一篇:我的英文演讲稿——The Story of My Pet
The Story of My Pet
by alice wang, from fangcaodi primary school
good afternoon! My name is alice. today i will tell you a Story about My Pet.
My Pet, named diandian, is a white cat with two black spots on its forehead. i brought it into My family from a street-side market two years ago. at that time, it looked small and thin. i fed it with milk and cat food. with time going, diandian grew up, and we became good friends. every afternoon when i was back from school, it always welcomed me on The doorway.
The most interesting thing was to play games with diandian in My spare time. we played hide-and-seek. i hid Myself hehind The door, Then put My hand out of The doorframe to grasp diandian’s eyes. while it saw My hand, diandian first stared at My hand for a moment, and Then jumped high to catch. of course, i draw back My hand very quickly. i won The game every time. diandian never succeeded, but never gave up.
diandian was like a naughty boy. it always ran up and down, jumping from floor to chair, and to tabletop. sometimes, it broke glass, vase and even goldfish vat. when summer coming, diandian lost hair heavily. The small white hair is not easy to clean. all These made My m(请你收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问wWW.HaOworD.cOM)oTher unhappy.
on last summer holiday, we visited My grandma in jiangsu province taking with diandian. My moTher decided to leave diandian There. i felt sadly without diandian. i often called My grandma to know how it was going. diandian learnt new knowledges There, like climbing tree, eating real fish and so on. afterwards, grandma told me that diandian was lost. we don’t know where it is now. i miss diandian very much. i hope it is still alive.
thank you!
第二篇:The Story of My Pet
The Story of My Pet
My Pet, named dongdong, is a white cat with two black spots on its forehead, i brought it into My family from a street-side market two years ago. at that time, it looked small and thin. i fed it with milk and cat food. with time going, dongdong grew up, and we became good friends. every afternoon when i was back from school, it always welcomed me on The doorway.
The most interesting thing was to play games with dongdong in My spare time. we played hide-and-seek. i hid Myself behind The door, Then put My hand out of The doorframe to grasp dongdong’s eyes. while it saw My hand, dongdong first stared at My hand for a moment, and Then jumped high to catch. of course, i draw back My hand very quickly. i won The game every time, dongdong never succeeded, but never gave up.
dongdong was like a naughty boy. it always ran up and down. jumping from floor to chair, and to tabletop. sometimes, it broke glass, vase and even goldfish vat. when summer coming, dongdong lost hair heavily. The small hair is not easy to clean. all These made My moTher unhappy.
on last summer holiday, we visited My grandma in kunming taking with dongdong. My moTher decided to leave dongdong There, i felt sad without dongdong, i often called My grandma to know how it was going. dongdong learnt new knowledges There, like climbing tree、eating real fish and so on. afterwards, grandma told me that dongdong was lost, we don’t
know where it is now. i miss dongdong very much. i hope it is still alive.
第三篇:My impression of The Story of ah q 阿q正传英文读后感
ah q----a man pitiful and hateful
luxun, My admirable person, / The true Story of ah q/ is one of his representative novels.in The book, he has displayed society of a chinese revolution of 1911s front and back abnormal chinese and a group of abnormal chinese’s real face. from his announcing and describing ,i clearly saw many a ugly old chinese people.My deepest impression is The main character ------------ah q,a man pitiful and hateful.he made me confirmed of The saying ‘whoever pitiful is hateful, whoever hateful is pitiful.’
The first chapter is luxun’s introduction for this novel, exactly it is for The main person--------ah q.mr.lu said he had been meaning to write The true Story of ah q, but while wanting to write he was in some trepidation too, as though possessed by some fiend. why? The first question came to me, and i kept reading immediately.mr.lu talked a lot about The religion of ah q’s name, but The fact that no one knows surely. it is once said by confucius’ if The name is not correct; The words will not ring true. ’so i confirmed that’s why mr. lu was in some trepidation while meaning to write The true Story.
next, when mr. lu stated that he didn’t really know what ah q’s surname was, and he seemed to be named zhao. for this you guess what happened. this brought a huge ridicule attack to ah q. things went like this:
zhao great-grandfaTher, The landlord heard ah q named zhao, ordered ah q to his house.
zhao roared,’ ah q,you miserable wretch! did you say i belonged to The same clan as you?’
ah q made no reply.
The more looked at ah q The angrier he became. advancing menacingly a few steps he said, ’how dare you talk such nonsence! how could i have such a relative as you? is your surname zhao?’
ah q made no reply and was planning a retreat, when zhao gave him a slap on his face.
‘how could you be named zhao? are you worthy of The name zhao?’ ah q made no attempt to defend his right to The name zhao but rubbing his left cheek went out. all The villagers who heard this said ah q was a great fool to ask for a beating like that. after this no furTher mention was made of ah q’s ancestry, thus i still have no idea what his surname really was. mr. lu said.
how overbeating and outrageous zhao is! what a poor innocent ah q is! They are in sharp contrast. The tragedy is that The similar destiny happened to hundreds of old chinese people. ah q is one of The typical person. i tasted ah q’s feelings, in our modern society, all men are created equal, we have The rights to choose our name, and The zhao’s behavior is illegal.
i show sympathy for ah q, but i looked down his no-protesting. i even feel awful that he didn’t realize his human dignity was shamed! how can he figure out what human dignity means! in this aspect, i hated him.
The worthiest point is ah q’s’spiritual victory low’. this law has deeply rooted in his blood and made him treated all ups and downs samely. to be honest, i should learn from it, to look optimistic towards My life, and when i was upset and despair ,just think ahq ’funny experience, use The spiritual victory to get over My failing.
after reading The novel, i always image if i were in ah q’s shoes, what would i react? maybe i couldn’t handle well, even made things more terrible, would i have courage to protest The unfair society? would i risk My life to maintain My rights and My dignity? to be all not to be, it’s a question. ha~
in The end, i just want to say ahq lives in everyone’s body, sometimes we are all pitiful and hateful, and it’s unavoidable. maybe it’s one aspect of humanity, i am a little confused in this in this field. as jobs says ’stay hungry, stay foolish.’ i will read more books to enrich My feeling.
第四篇:The Story of english演讲稿
The Story of english
good morning (or afternoon) My dear classmates, this is su huiting, and i am honored to stand here to share My Story with you all today. as we all know a language is product of hiStory and civilization, so what i am gonna tell is The Story of english, hoping you will like it.
united kingdom hiStory is very much on hiStory of alien conquerors; similarly, english is The language of foreign conquerors to a large extent.The first owner of The island of britain, was from The celtic on continental europe, and They spoke celtic languages. and in The 2nd century ad, roman came in britain, They spoke latin. and at that time, english did not exist yet
until The 5th century, roman withdrew The british island while
anglo-saxon germanic people landed in, and told Them The anglo-saxon languages, which is The origin of The modern english. this means that english appeared, though known as old english, closer to germanic languages.
however, anglo-saxon man was The barbarians, and Their language was relatively simple, not delicate. it was in 597 when pope decided to send priests to go to britain to establish The church , which made united
kingdom civilization greatly enhanced. on influence of The exquisite latin, The two quickly fused togeTher. this was a major event in english hiStory
well Then, christianity came to britain in The late 6th century ad, which was anoTher great event in english hiStory, marked that english began to be influenced by latin. and this was The first cultural invasion; from 793 ad, The viking started invading britain. on The arrival of The vikings, english was strongly influenced by nordic language until The medium term of The 9th century. Then, There came The third invasion in 1066, when The normandy duke of france invaded britain, and eventually managed to control a united kingdom, becoming william The 1st. he cleaned The united kingdom's imperial court and The church, with all The
important positions held by The french, and They all spoke french. and it is said that invasion of The french influence english greater than any oTher event in english hiStory. as a matter of fact, in The following 200 years and even more, The united kingdom social language situation was like this: government and aristocracy spoke french, latin was enjoyed by religious and cultural undertakings, and The underlying people continued in english. even today, it is still fashionable for The british to speak a little french
but how did english survived?i wondered
The reason why english survive and eventually replaced The french position in The situation that The upper community is french-speaking and latin-speaking, are as follows:
first of all, before The norman conquest, The old english had been established both in speaking and writing among The people. it was easy to
record in latin and french but hard to forbidden english being spoken among The populace. actually speaking, it was clear that british people will not be willing to keep away from english just because of a foreigner’s dominating
secondly, The normans began to marry The local people almost immediately when They arrived. as you can imagine a scenario where a small norman knights lived in a small manor in The country, people around him, say, farmers, maids, butler who kept his estate, were all british, how could he survive and manage his peoplewithout speaking a little english?
The third reason, which was perhaps The most important one, that is, in 1204, because of The reckless, The king's military failed to continue controlling normandy. many of those norman nobles who owned lands and position in both countries were obliged to decide Their allegiance to france or to The united kingdom.
until about The early 13th century, united kingdom began to appear in The official documents of english words. at The end of 13th century, king edward The 1st began to incite The public against The law, status of english was solided furTher. with The war in1337-1454 between united kingdom and france occurred, it was a great stimulus to choose english or french for The people. besides, There emerged a Mysterious disease named "black death" at The same time and it caused so many deaths in monasteries and churches that a new generation of semi-education and functionally
illiterate, who could not speak french and latin, had totake over Their predecessors.
after The black death, school students began using english raTher than french to explain Their lessons. at this time, english has begun to appear in all levels of society. in 1356, The mayor of london ordered, The court applied english. in 1362, The parliament announced to hold meetings in english. and in 1381, richard The 2ed spoke to farmers in english. thus, status of english established and last Then
that’s My Story. thanks, for your listening.
thank you ^^
读了那么多年的英语,由此对英语语言的形成发展史第一次产生了浓厚的兴趣, 英国是一个海岛。英国的历史很大程度上就是外来征服者的历史;同样的,英语很大程度上也就是外来征服者的语言。
出生于公元672年或673年的比德(st bede The venerable),是英国历史上第一个历史学家,他写了英国历史上的第一本史书《英吉利教会史》,记载了基督教会在英国最早的一些活动。大家可以想像,基督教正式来到英国是公元597年,比德这本书离这个日期只相差100多年,对于了解英国当时的状况可谓是最珍贵的史料。
公元6世纪末基督教会来到不列颠岛,这是英语史上的一件大事,标志着英语开始受到拉丁语的影响。英语原本是盎格鲁-萨克森语,属于日耳曼语的一种。拉丁语的传入是它受到的第一次文化入侵,以后这样的“侵略”还发生过两次。 从公元793年开始,北欧的维京人(viking)开始入侵不列颠岛。到了9世纪中期,几乎半个英格兰都落入了维京人手里。北欧海盗的到来,使得英语受到了北欧语的强烈影响。
首先,在诺曼征服之前,古英语的书面语和口语都已经确立了,有了群众基础。“用拉丁语和法语来做书面记录是一回事,但要把英国普通老百姓讲的话根除,这得要法国人统治几百年才做得到。说英语的人在人口统计学上占有绝对优势。从实际上讲,显而易见,英国人不会紧紧因为被外国人统治就不再说英语了。” 其次,英语之所以幸存,是因为诺曼人几乎立刻就开始与被他们征服的人通婚了。可以想像这样一种情形,一个诺曼小骑士住在英国乡间一座小庄园中,周围都是英国农民,由英国侍女为他服侍,英国管家料理他的地产,他的孩子则跟英国孩子在一起玩耍。他要想生存下去,平息他下属臣民的怨气,就得学一点儿英文。 第三个原因也许是最重要的原因,即1204年,由于英皇军事上的鲁莽,失去了对法国诺曼底领土的控制。许多在两个国家都拥有土地并且在两国之间跑来跑去的诺曼贵族迫不得已,要宣布自己究竟效忠法国还是英国。
第五篇:The Story of My life book report
The Story of My life book report
almost everyone knew The name;helen keller, who was an american author, political activist, and lecturer. she was The first deaf blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree. The Story of keller’s teacher, anne sullivan, broke through The isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing The girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become widely known through The dramatic depictions of The play and film The miracle worker. her birthday on june 27 is commemorated as helen keller day in The us state of pennsylvania and was authorized at The federal level by presidential proclamation by president jimMy carter in 1980, The 100th anniversary of her birth.
her book, The Story of My life(anoTher name is what would you like if you had just three days of sight), which is even famous all around The world, giving many people deeply impression.after i read it, i knew many things about life.
it is difficult thing to become a successful person to a disabled. but helen did it. it much depends on The help of people about. such as parents ‘help, perkins school’s teacher, anne’s help, miss sarah fuller watt of horace mann school and so on. however, what matters most are The roles of parents. a child has much time staying with her parents. usually, parents will give all of Their love to Their children. we have no reason to condemn it.
noneTheless, spoiling a child is terrible. it has a great influence on helen’s characteristic. helen is naughty and impolite when her teacher met her. The main reason is that he parents spoiled her after she lost her sight and hearing. although There is no doubt that parents love Their children, spoiling a child is bad to him. once a child realized that he could do everything bad without suffering punishment, he would do it again and again. helen is such an example. she went around getting food she likes, ignoring The food is oTher’s plate. she would roar to everyone who does not want to give her The things she wants. she was even hid The key of anne’s room, and let her climb The ladder to enter The room. those behaviors impressed anne; her teacher who is just came. anne tried her best to stop her. and she did it finally.
as helen has such an excellent teacher, she could be quickly step into The ocean of knowledge. The teacher did all to help helen. she wrote words in her hands. she put her hands touch her mouth and so on. everything she did is to help helen to learn more. what a good teacher she is! it showed that a good teacher to a person is important.
of course, no one can be successful without Their efforts. so does helen. she studied hard with The help of anne’s. also, she appreciates things she touched or heard, and people who helped her. furThermore, she took contribution to help disabled to live better. she gave many speeches to encourage people who are disabled. and remind healthy people of remembering to appreciate things They own and people They knew. it’s no wonder that she is successful.
after all, a person who always appreciate things around her and study hard all The time can be successful sooner or later.