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首先,我要感谢祖国的挑选,使自己有机会为祖国贡献自己的微薄之力,;感谢学校的培养 使自己更快的成长为一名合格的大学生 感谢在座的各位领导 您们为此次征兵做了大量的准备工作,保证输送了合格的兵源。,感谢每一位新兵的父亲,母亲.是他们将自己养育了二十载的儿女送入军营.为国家服务,为人民服务,他们是光荣的,是伟大的.



人们的嘱托,踏着威武雄壮的步伐,迈入这新的大家庭,把自己的青春和力量融入祖国的钢铁 长城。



最后,我再次代表全体新战友向在座的所有领导、家属,表示深深的感谢,谢谢您们 !







i am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. it won't be another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature.

mentally, i'm exhausted, i don't feel i have a challenge. physically, i feel great. the last time in 1993 i had other agendas. i felt that i wanted to play baseball and i felt that at my age, it was a good opportunity and time to do it. and with the death of my father, and i was basically trying to deal with that.

actually i talked to jerry last year once the season ended and i told jerry at that time, mentally, i was a little exhausted. i didn't know if i would play next year. i wanted to put him on awareness so that he could possibly prepare going into next season. and jerry, once we had our conversation, wanted me to take time as i did in 93 to make sure that it was the right decision because it was going to be the final decision.

i retired the first time when phil jackson was the coach. and i think that even with phil being the coach i would have had a tough time, mentally finding the challenge for myself. although he can somehow present challenges for me. i don't know if he could have presented the challenge for me to continue on to this season." even though middle way of this season i wanted to continue to play a couple more years, but at the end of this season i was mentally drained and tired. so i can't say that he would have restored that.

i will support the chicago bulls. i think the game itself is a lot bigger than michael jordan. i've been given an opportunity by people before me, to name a few, kareem abdul jabbar, doctor j, eljohn baylor, jerry west. these guys played the game way before michael jordan was born and michael jordan came on the heels of all that activity. mr stern and what he's done for the league, gave me an opportunity to play the game of basketball. i played it to the best i could play it, i tried to enhance the game itself. i've tried to be the best basketball player that i could be.


新兵阶段主要是给你养成一个士兵的习惯,平时主要就是叠被子(豆腐块)整内务,学习条令,政治教育,军事训练呢就是:队列训练,基本的单兵战术动作,基础射击,投掷手榴弹,基础体能训练等科目,考核主要是军事课目,要考步枪射击(现在好像改成概率射击了,10发中3发就行),手榴弹实弹投掷(这个是风险最高的),队列动作,(军训应该参加过吧,比那个要严格些)单兵战术动作,(主要就是匍匐前进、卧倒、拘枪射击之类的简单动作)体能呢主要包括:3公里跑(一般13分半及格),100米(一般14秒几及格,不记得了),立定跳远,双腿深蹲(好像是三分钟80个),仰卧起坐(3分钟60个)、俯卧撑(1分钟30个左右,具体不记得了)等,这个体能标准各地区,各部队不一样有的部队要求标准更高一些,有的要求更低些,但肯定对新兵标准都不用很高,我看普通人稍微训练下都能过,只要你不是大胖子。 考核不及格也不会把你怎么样,还是会把你分到连队,绝对不会因为这个退兵,到连队后才会是真正的当兵生活,训练才更加正规,要求和科目都会提高和增多,武装五公里、400米障碍、野营拉练、实兵演习、外训、冬季适应性训练、分业训练都是到连队后才有的





yao ming(7/20/2014,shanghai)

esteemed director liyuyi, distinguished guests, friends in the media:

good afternoon!

todayis an important day for me. it is a day of special significance for both mypast professional career and future endeavors.

atthe end of last year, i once again had a stress fracture in my left foot andhad to sit out of basketball. since then, like many friends who cared about me,i waited and hoped that i could return. it was also a frustrating period, manythoughts crossed my mind. today, i am ready to announce to everyone mydecision: i will end my athletic career and formally retire from the game ofbasketball.

atthis moment, looking towards the future and looking back through the past, myheart is full of gratitude.

firstand foremost, i want to thank the game of basketball. this great sport hasbrought joy to untold numbers of people, including myself. when i was fouryears old, i got my first basketball. at nine, i entered a youth sports schoolin xuhui district (in shanghai).i joined the shanghai junior team at 14. and when i was 16 years old, i put onmy dad’s former number, and joined the shanghai sharks senior team incompetition. basketball has allowed me to follow in my family’s footsteps. wheneveri see the joy and satisfaction in my parents’ eyes, i feel a strong sense ofpride. i was also fortunate to win a cba championship with my teammates for thecity of shanghaiin 2014. from that moment on, basketball has connected me with this great city.during that same year, i entered the nba. basketball has led me to a bigger andbroader stage to showcase my abilities. it’s a dream for many to play for thenational team. so in fulfilling my dream, i am especially grateful of theopportunity to play for my country for so many years. and because ofbasketball, i have found the love of my life ye li, and a lifetime ofhappiness. basketball has given me so much and for this, i want to thank thegame of basketball.

ialso want to thank life. no matter if it’s my beloved basketball or otherendeavors. it is all just a part of life. i believe life is like a guide. ifyou follow him faithfully, he will open doors to wonderful worlds for you.today, i am retired from basketball, and one of those doors is closed. butelsewhere, another door is opening and outside that door is a new world waitingfor me to experience and explore。

eventhough i am leaving the basketball court, i will not leave the game. the(小编推荐你关注好范文 网:wWw.HaoWorD.cOm)shanghai sharks team is how my professional life will continue. i am continuingto learn about managing and running the team and will do my best to bring honorand glory to my hometown and to chinese basketball.

iwill continue my philanthropic work. the yao foundation has been establishedfor three years

now. i will work with the foundation to influence more peopleto join philanthropic activities to help others. i wish to meet and work withnew and old friends on projects of mutual interest. i believe that throughmeeting and working with people from different fields and professions, i cangain new knowledge and new understandings. life has guided me from shanghai to china,from chinato the world. i want to thank life and continue to repay my good fortune byembracing and treasuring every moment.

finally,i want to thank the many special people in my life, my family and my friends. ihave a long list of people. but due to time, i can only mention a few here. iam missing a lot of names, but i hope my friends will understand. first, i wantto thank my family. my parents were my first teachers in life. my wife, ye liis my best friend and best listener. our lovely daughter, amy, is our new hopefor the future.

ialso want to thank my coaches. they educated and guided me and have watched overme every step of way. i want to thank my first coach li zhangming, coaches liqiuping, wang qun, and wang chongguang from the shanghai sharks, coach malianbao with the chinese national junior team, head coaches wang fei, jiangxingquan, del harris, and jonas kazlauskas from the chinese national team, andhead coaches rudy tomjanovich, jeff van gundy, and rick adelman with thehouston rockets. i also wish to thank officials and organizations that havehelped me, especially officials from national sports administration, city of shanghai, china basketballassociation, shanghai sports administration, the shanghai media group, andshanghai oriental basketball club (shanghai sharks). it is through their care,interest, support, and encouragement that allowed me to develop and reach wherei am today. i want to thank the nba and the houston rockets. theirunderstanding and support helped me overcome the language and cultural barrierto play in the highest level basketball games in the world.

next,i want to thank all of my teammates and opponents. first is liu wei. we grew uptogether, played and battled together, and those experiences are some of mymost precious memories in life. i also want to thank wang zhizhi and shaquilleo’neal. they were the benchmark players that i was chasing after. they motivatedme and pushed me forward, and without them, i would not be the player i amtoday. i want to thank fan bin, my friend and mentor on the national team; shenwei, jia xiaozhong, zhang wenqi, li nan, mengke bateer, yi jianlian, stevefrancis, cuttino mobley, tracy mcgrady, shane battier, dikembe mutombo, chuckhayes, luis scola, aaron brooks, kyle lowry, as well as all of my former teammatesfrom the xuhui district youth sports school, the shanghai sharks junior team,the shanghai sharks, the national junior team, the chinese national team, andthe houston rockets, and of course all my opponents in cba and nba who i playedagainst. the time we spent sweating and competing will forever be etched in mymemory.

ialso want to thank my management team, “team yao”. i want to thank erik zhang,lu hao, john huizinga, bill duffy, bill sanders, huang xiaopeng, li lu, ilana,and larry zhang, as well as everyone who has worked behind the scenes. i willnever forget everything you have done for me over the years.

i’d also like to take this opportunity tothank my friends in the media, my sponsors, and partners. i am honored to haveworked with all of you. finally i want to sincerely thank all of the fans. thosewho liked me or those who didn’t, those who are in china, or those abroad, i want tothank everyone who has watched me over the years. it is through everyone’s supportthat has allowed me to play with confidence and courage; and through everyone’scriticism that has helped me improve in areas that i was lacking. for those ihave mentioned, and for those i have not, you are all in my heart. in short, iwant to thank everyone who has accompanied me these years. and i will continueto do my best and will continue to be with everyone.

finally,i want to thank this enlightened time of progress that we live in: giving methe opportunities to realize my dreams, and find my self-worth.

ihave once said, when i retire from my professional career, i hope that it is acomma, not a period. today, that day has finally arrived, but i am not leavingthe sport of basketball that i love. my life will continue. i am still yao mingand there are still many things that i wish to accomplish. the day of drawing aperiod is still far far away.

iwish everyone health and happiness, i wish the best blessings for mymotherland, my home shanghai, and my second homehouston. and iwish that my beloved sport of basketball will continue to have a bright andprosperous future.

thank you.



(2014年7月20日 上海)











最后,我要感谢我的亲人,感谢所有的朋友。 我这里有一份长长的名单,但由于时间的原因,不能一一提及。只能选读其中的代表,还望朋友们多多谅解。我首先感谢的是我的家人,父亲、母亲是我人生的启蒙者,叶莉是我最好的倾听者,而可爱的姚沁蕾则是我们新的希望。

我还要感谢我的教练们,是他们教育培养了我,见证了我每一步的成长,其中有我的启蒙教练李章明指导,我在上海大鲨鱼队的教练李秋平指导、王群指导、王重光指导,我在国家青年队的主教练马连保指导,以及我在国家队的历任主教练王非指导、蒋兴权指导、以及哈里斯和尤纳斯,还有我在火箭队的历任主教练汤姆贾诺维奇、范甘迪、阿德尔曼,教练tom tip?。我要感谢各位领导,特别是国家体育总局、上海市、中国篮协、上海市体育局以及上海文广集团和原上海东方篮球俱乐部的各级领导,他们的关心、关注、支持和鼓励,使我不断进步,取得了今天的成绩。我要感谢nba和休斯顿火箭队的管理层,他们的理解和支持帮助我克服了语言和文化的障碍,可以在世界最高水平的联赛当中站稳脚跟。


当然,要感谢的还有我的管理团队-----“姚之队”,感谢章明基、陆浩、约翰· 海逊格、比尔·达菲、比尔·桑德斯、李璐、伊朗纳和张弛,以及现在还在台前幕后忙碌的成员们!多年来,你们帮我做了很多事情,我不会忘记。

借此机会,我还要特别感谢常年关注我的新闻界的朋友们,感谢我的赞助商和合作伙伴,和你们的交往使我受益匪浅。 还有各位球迷朋友,不论是“黑”还是“蜜”,无论是国内的还是国外的,感谢所有关注我的朋友。大家的关心使我得到信心和勇气,大家的批评使我修正了缺点和不足。今天提到的和没提到的,你们每一个人,都在我的心里。总而言之,我感谢所有的亲人和朋友多年来的陪伴,我会继续做好我自己,不会离开大家。姚明和朋友们永远在一起!谢谢大家。





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