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1. feel like doing: 想要做 …

2. call off: 取消

3. call on: 拜访

4. call out: 出动, 唤起, 大声叫唤

5. call in: 收集; 邀请;叫…..来

6. call up: 提醒

7. call for: 要求

8. in return: 作为..的回报

9. in advance: 预先

10. in vain: 徒劳

11. take place: 发生

12. take the place of:代替

13. in place of: 代替

14. take away:拿走; 夺走, 拿下, 取下

15. take in: 吸收, 接受

16. take off: 取, 脱下

17. take on: 雇用, 从事; 占据

18. take to: 爱, 嗜好, 沉迷于

19. take sb. up on: 接受某人 (邀请挑战等)

20. take… into account: 考虑,思考

21. take pride in:以…..为荣

22. take part in: 参加

23. take the initiative in doing sth: 主动做某事

24. take note:记笔记

25. take a position: 持…..立场

26. take over: 把...从一地带到另一地, 接收, 接管

27. turn up:找到, 发现, 出现

28. take turns to do sth: 轮流做……

29. attempt to do: 企图做…..

30. in one's attempt to: 力图, 试图

31. manage to do: 尽力去做。。。(成功)

32. make out: 辨认出

33. make sure:确认

34. make an appointment: 预约

35. make for: 有利于...

36. make off: 匆忙离去, 逃走

37. make in: 进入; 干涉

38. make up: 编辑, 虚构; 捏造

39. make an effort to do: 努力去做

40. make decisions towards sth. : 针对…..做出

41. make a name for/as: 出名

42. make sense: 有意义

43. make ends meet : 使收支平衡

44. have a great influence on: 在…..有影响

45. cut down: 减少

46. cut in: 插嘴

47. cut off: 切断, 停掉

48. cut on: 急速前进

49. cut out: 删掉; 戒掉

50. be disappointed with: 对…..感到失望

51. above all: 首先

52. after all: 终究,到底

53. at all: 全然

54. consider doing: 考虑做某事

55. consider …to be: 认为

56. put aside: 保留

57. prefer to do rather than do: 宁愿做…而不做…..

58. a great number of: 大量的

59. in honor of: 为了纪念…..

60. in terms of: 根据…..

61. in favor of: 赞成

62. burst into laughter: 突然笑起来

63. tell a lie:说谎

64. tell sb (not) to do sth: 叫某人去(不要)做某事

65. be told to do sth: 被告知不要做某事

66. reach a conclusion: 得出结论

67. avoid doing: 避免

68. have sth done: 某事被做

69. persuade sb. to do: 劝说某人做某事

70. agree to do: 同意

71. get over: 克服困难

72. get across: 使通过, 使人了解

73. get after: 追击; 追捕

74. get along: 过日子, 相处

75. get away from: (使)摆脱, (使)离开

76. get by on: 靠...过活

77. get in: 进站; 到达。上车

78. get off : 下车; (动身)离开;脱下(衣服)

79. get on:上车; 穿上; 过日子

80. get over: 越过;克服; 忍受;复原, 痊愈

81. get round:传开; 回避

82. get through: 完成; 通过

83. appreciate doing: 欣赏

84. permit doing:允许做某事

85. permit sb to do:允许某人做某事

86. by nature: 生性

87. on purpose: 故意,有意

88. be worth doing: 值得去做

89. be made up of: 由…..组成

90. consist of: 由…..组成

91. turn out to: 结果是…..

92. in one's turn: (依次)轮到时

93. turn about: 轮流, 反复思考

94. turn against: (使)变成和...敌对

95. turn into: 进入;(使)变成, (使)成为

96. turn it up: 辞去工作

97. turn off: 关(电灯、收音机等); 辞退

98. turn on: 拧开(电灯、收音机)

99. turn over: (使)翻过来; 再三考虑

100. turn up: 向上;加快(速度等); 发生, 出现;


1. turn to sb/ sth. : 求助

2. impose… on: 把…..强加于

3. let down: 使…..失望

4. have no choice but to do: 除…..之外别无选择

5. keep in touch with: 与…..保持联系

6. keep it up: 照原样继续下去

7. keep off: 避开;不(让)接近

8. keep on: 继续; 继续雇用(某人)

9. keep on with: 继续(做某事)

10. keep up with: 跟上, 不落后; 与...保持接触

11. keep in: 隐瞒; 使维持(某种)状态

12. keep contact with:与…..联系

13. keep (on)doing sth : 坚持做某事

14. keep sb doing sth: 让某人做某事

15. keep sb from doing sth: 阻止某人做某事

16. want /need / require doing / to be done: 某事需要被做

17. be busy doing/ with: 忙于做某事

18. carry on:坚持下去

19. carry out: 实现, 贯彻, 执行

20. carry through: 贯彻, 完成, 维持

21. carry up: 建高(房屋);追溯

22. carry over: 贮存(货物等)供下一季供应; 延期

23. account for : 是…..的原因

24. bring up: 抚养

25. bring about: 引起; 造成

26. bring on: 带来; 培养

27. bring around: 使恢复健康

28. bring back: 回忆;

29. bring in: 介绍; 引进; 推广; 吸收参加

30. bring on: 导致; 引起

31. bring over: 使相信; 说服;

32. bring to: 使复苏; 阻碍

33. bring together: 使和解

34. succeed in doing: 成功做某事

35. as a result (of) : 作为结果

36. result in:导致

37. as a whole: 总体上

38. as a rule: 通常

39. in a word: 总的来说

40. by the way: 顺便说一下

41. on the contrary: 与之相反

42. pick out: 选出

43. give off: 发光,热

44. give in: 屈服, 投降, 退让(to); 交[呈]上

45. give out: 用完;公布,精疲力竭

46. give up: 放弃, 停[中]止

47. give over: 中止, 停止做, 移交,放纵

48. give rise to: 引起, 使发生

49. put off: 推迟

50. put up with: 容忍

51. put down: 写下来

52. put forward: 提出提议以供考虑

53. put on: 穿上; 假装

54. put out: 熄灭; 出版

55. put through: 使…从事、遭遇; 接通(电话)

56. put over: 延期;耽误

57. put up: 建立;建造

58. put upon: 强加于;使…负担过重

59. put up with: 忍受, 容忍

60. come up with: 提出

61. catch up with: 赶上

62. keep up with: 赶上

63. answer to sb. for sth: 向某人负责

64. answer to: 适应, 符合

65. differ from:与…..不同

66. be similar to:与…..类似

67. throw oneself into sth: 精力充沛地做某事

68. plunge oneself into sth: 投入做某事

69. related to: 与…..相关

70. base on: 基于

71. rely on: 依靠,依赖

72. contribute to: 对…..有贡献

73. determine to do: 决定做某事

74. be determined to do sth. : 决心做某事

75. at the speed/ price/ rate/ pace of : 以….的速度、价格、速率、

76. due to: 由于

77. gift for sth./doing sth. : 做…..的天赋

78. earn a place in: 获得一席之地

79. gain/ earn /establish/ build up a reputation :赢得荣誉

80. look into: 调查

81. look after:照顾

82. look for:寻找;搜索

83. look on/ upon: 认为,看待用某种方式看待

84. look out: 小心,当心;注意 look to:期望

85. look up: 查找在参考书中寻找并找到; 拜访.

86. have a look at: 看一看

87. look back on: 回忆

88. on… occasion/ in …situation/ under condition: 在…..场合下

89. be concerned about: 关心

90. 73 .seek out: 挑出

91. be available to: 可以获得的,可以使用的

92. laugh at: 嘲笑某人

93. inform sb of sth: 通知某人某事

94. come across: 偶然遇到

95. come up: 出现

96. come about: 出现; 发生

97. come at获得;得到

98. come into: 获得,尤指遗产

99. come off: 发生;出现

100. come out: 发行或发表; 结束; 结果


1. come to: 恢复知觉

2. come upon: 偶然发现或遇到

3. come over: 过来,抓住

4. serve as: 用于某种目的或理由

5. insist on: 坚持

6. hold the view: 持有观点

7. hold down: 压抑; 压低

8. hold off: 保持距离; 延期

9. hold on:(打电话时用语)请等一下; 不要挂上,坚持

10. hold out: 给予;继续;忍耐; 伸出

11. hold up: 使停滞; 拦路抢劫; 提出(作榜样)

12. hold with:同意,赞成

13. can’t help but to: 禁不住做…..

14. but for: 要不是

15. help oneself: 自用

16. help to do sth: 帮忙做某事

17. help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

18. there is no point in doing sth. : 做某事没有意义

19. chances are that…: 有可能做某事

20. get/have a chance to do sth: 得到一个做某事的机会

21. on one’s own: 单独的,独自的

22. go through浏览

23. go along: 进行;继续; 赞成

24. go at: 冲向;袭击;着手做;努力去做

25. go by: 遵照,凭…判断

26. go down: 下降;坠落;降价

27. go for: 抨击;责备;追求;喜欢

28. go in for: 参加(考试);应试;嗜好

29. go on: 发生; 进行; 抱怨; 继续

30. go out: 离开; 公布; 不流行

31. go over: 查看; 查阅; 复习

32. go through: 经历;经受;遭到; 完成;批准

33. go with: 同意; 伴随;陪伴

34. go up: 涨价; 建造; 烧毁

35. go away: 走开, <口>作祈使句, 别傻了!

36. object to doing: 反对

37. there is evidence that: 有证据证明

38. in short supply: 短缺

39. in reserve: 以备后用

40. in the mood to do:有心情做某事

41. in addition (to) : 此外

42. in short:简而言之

43. define…as:下定义

44. the following: 下列的

45. follow sb to do sth: 跟随某人去做某事

46. describe… as: 描述某人某事

47. at heart: 在内心里

48. all the time: 始终

49. arrest sb for: 因某事而逮捕某人

50. be aware of: 知道

51. be in the/ a mood for sth. / to do sth.: 想做某事; 有做某事的兴致

52. be in no mood for sth./ to do sth. : 不想做某事, 无意做某事

53. because of: 因为

54. be due to: 由于, 应归于

55. by far: 到目前为止

56. by all means: 尽一切办法, 一定

57. be made of: 用...造成(用于原材料显而易见的场合)

58. be made from: 由...所做成的(用于原材料不易看出的场合)

59. concern with: 使关心

60. consider as: 认为

61. contribute to: 捐献

62. deal with: 安排, 处理, 涉及, 做生意

63. ever since: 从那时到现在

64. except for: 除...以外

65. except that: 除了...之外, 只可惜

66. emerge from:自...出现

67. end up with:以告终

68. for good:永久地,一劳永逸地

69. for all:尽管

70. fall down: 倒下, 跪拜

71. have an opportunity to do sth / for doing sth. : 有做某事的机会

72. have no opportunity for doing sth / to do sth. : 没有做某事的机会

73. hurry up: 赶快, 使赶快

74. intend to: 想要, 打算

75. inquire about: 查问, 打听, 了解

76. inquire after: 询问起

77. inquire for:要找(某人), 求见(某人)

78. inquire of sb. about sth. :询问某人某事

79. in an emergency: 在紧急的时候

80. be involved in: 包含在...; 与...有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做)

81. in that: 由于, 因为 , 既然

82. in relation to:关于, 涉及, 与…相比

83. in contrast to: 和...形成对比[对照]

84. in excess of: 超过, 较...为多

85. in person:亲自, 外貌上

86. in spite of: 不管

87. move about: 走来走去, 经常搬家

88. move on: 继续前进

89. move off: 离开, 死, 畅销

90. move up: 提前, 上升

91. on occasion: 有时

92. owing to: 由于, 因...之缘故

93. in one's attempt to: 力图, 试图

94. on the average:平均, 按平均数计算, 一般地说

95. refer to: 查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听

96. respond to: 反应

97. reflect on: 思考, 反省, 怀疑, 导致, 责备

98. regard …as…: 把...认作

99. regardless of: 不管, 不顾

100. so far: 迄今为止,到目前为止, 就此范围(程度)来说

101. think of: 考虑, 关心, 想起, 想象, 有...的看法, 记起

102. would rather: 宁愿, 宁可

103. allow sb to do sth: 允许某人去做某事

104. asked sb (not) to do sth: 叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事)

105. be afraid to do sth: 害怕做某事

106. be afaid of doing sth: 害怕做某事

107. be amazed to do sth: 对做某事感到惊讶

108. be amazed at sth: 对某事感惊讶

109. be excited to do sth/ about doing sth: 对做……感到兴奋

110. be excited at sth: 对……感到兴奋

111. be/get ready for/to do sth: 为做某事做好了准备

112. be ready for sth: 为某事做好了准备

113. be sorry to do sth: 对做某事感到抱歉

114. be surprised to do sth: 对做某事感到惊奇

115. be surprised at sth: 对某事感到惊奇

116. can’t wait to do sth: 迫不急待地去做某事

117. decide to do sth: 决定去做某事

118. make up one’s mind to do sth: 下决心去做某事(常考)

119. make a decision to do sth: 对做某事作出决定

120. deserve to do sth: 值得/应该做……

121. encourage sb to do sth: 鼓励某人去做某事

122. enjoy doing sth: 乐意去做某事

123. expect (sb) to do sth: 期望去做某事

124. fail to do sth: 做某事失败

125. succeed (in) doing sth: 成功做了某事

126. finish doing sth: 做完某事

127. get/ make/ let/ have sb to do sth: 让某人做某事

128. hear sb do sth: 听到某人做某事

129. hear sb doing sth: 听到某人正在做某事

130. hope/wish to do sth: 希望做某事

131. wish sb to do sth: 希望某人做某事

132. learn to do sth: 学做某事

133. learn sth from sb: 向某人学习

134. prefer doing A to doing B: 喜欢做A胜过做B

135. prefer to do sth rather than do sth: 宁愿……而不愿……

136. prefer to do sth: 喜欢(爱)做某事

137. remember/forget doing sth: 记得/忘记做过某事

138. remember/forget to do sth: 记得/忘记做某事

139. spend some money on sth/doing sth: 买…花了多少钱

140. spend some time (in) doing sth /on sth: 花费时间做某事

141. stop to do sth: 停下来去某事(两件事)

142. stop doing sth: 停止做某事 (一件事)

143. stop sb (from) doing sth: 阻止某人做某事

144. try to do sth: 试着(图)做某事

145. try/do one’s best to do sth: 尽力去做某事

146. used to do sth: 过去常做某事//be used to do sth(习惯做什么事)

147. warn sb (not) to do sth: 警告某人做某事(不要做某事)


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