变成的英文释义: 篇一
to change into
to turn into
to become
turn to
turn off
变成的英文例句: 篇二
She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
You may also find that reading has become more fun than work!
The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly.
She became a celebrity overnight.
Caterpillars turned into butterflies.
The rain turned to sleet.
时间箭头的目的只是为了区分过去和现在。 我们能把一只鸡蛋变成一份煎蛋卷,但不能让一份煎蛋卷变成一只鸡蛋。
The arrow of time is simply the distinction between the past and the future.
The flower buds change into flowers and then into fruit.
I devote my joy and sadness to you.
We're taking relatively benign medicines and we're turning them into poisons 我们服的药相对来说药性温和,但是我们却在把它们变成毒药。
Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat 由于没有消耗卡路里,你吃的所有东西都会变成脂肪。
She noticed her own proud walk had become a shuffle 她意识到自己趾高气扬的步伐已变成了拖着脚走路了。
She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman 如今她已经变成一个快乐、自信的女人。
Later he was to become famous as a pacifist 后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。
The petals can be cooked with rice to colour it yellow 可以把这些花瓣跟米饭一起煮,使米饭变成黄色。
Inflation has turned the rouble into a toytown currency 通货膨胀使得卢布变成了毫无价值的货币。
Olga Korbut single-handedly turned gymnastics into a major event 奥尔佳·科布特独自一人将体操变成了一项重要赛事。
What started out as fun quickly became hard work 起初好玩的事很快就变成了艰苦的工作。
Half-ruined, hardly a building untouched, it's a desolate place 这里大半遭毁,几乎没有一栋建筑完好无损,变成了一块荒废之地。
For today's politicians, the treaty is becoming a millstone 对于今天的政客而言,这个条约正在变成一个包袱。
The fourteenth century cathedral was reduced to a mass of rubble 这座世纪的大教堂变成了一堆瓦砾。
He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism 戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。
Their land has been turned into a police state 他们的国家已经变成了一个警察国家。
The hijacked plane exploded in a ball of fire 被劫持的飞机爆炸,变成了一团火球。
Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties 这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子的。
The Normans built the castle which was reduced to ruins under Cromwell 诺曼人建造了这座后来在克伦威尔统治时期变成废墟的城堡。
He spent three days making an absolute nuisance of himself 他天时间就把自己变成了个地地道道的“讨人嫌”。
The neighborhood is given over to performers, stilt walkers and drag queens 社区变成了玩杂耍的、踩高跷的和扮装皇后的天地。
It could well turn into some kind of a media circus 这很可能会演变成媒体的一场闹剧。