【寄语】debit note是什么意思中文翻译【精品多篇】为好范文网的会员投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。
Debit note的英语例句 篇一
1、We undercharge Mr. Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount.
2、We enclose a debit note on which the charges be bill.
3、Our debit note no 。 40 be still unsettled. please send remittance to cover It.
4、We undercharged Miss. Lee and had to sent her a debit note for the extra amount.
我们少收了李小姐的钱, 只得给她寄去一张收款票索要欠款。
5、We shall of course refund the premium to you upon receipt of debit note.
6、We shall of course refund the premium to you upon receipt of your debit note.
7、We will pay you the premium the moment we receive your debit note.
8、We undercharged Mr. Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount.
9、We will refund you the premium receipt of your sight draft or debit note for it.
10、The debit note and credit note will be absorted with the new invoice.
Debit note介绍 篇二
Debit Note是收款的一方 向缴款的一方开出的票据,如果你是出口方,你就可以向客户提供一份debit note收一些杂费或别的原因产生的费用,像Invoice一样,只是Title(标题)改一下,写明付款方和收款方,然后Remarks里面注明为什么收这一笔款。就类似我们的一个费用清单,除非合同注明此具有法律效力,否则只是一个告知的形式而已。如果你是进口方,并且需要付给客户一些合同外的费用,你就可以向客户提供一份credit note/good receive notes,或者是客户给你发debit note。总之,客户欠你钱,你就出debit note给客户;你欠客户的钱就出credit note给客户。
Debit note的双语例句 篇三
Mr. Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount 。
Our debit note no. 40 is still unsettled. please send remittance to cover it.
We undercharged Mr. Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount.
When the opening bank receives the negotiated documents it will make up a debit note showingthe total cost due and request payment from the buyer.
Attached is debit note , If you have any question, please contact Grace, thanks!
翻译为连接是借记卡注意,如果您有任何疑问,请联系恩典,谢谢 !
The debit note for the premium will be presented to your agent in San Francisco in a week ortwo.
The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by next Tuesday togetherwith our debit note for the premium 。
Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount 。
Thanks foe(for) getting back on this but I can't include these items on the debit note until it has been officially agreed.
We shall of course refund to you the premium upon receipt of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight for the amount required.
Pls submit 1st debit note as per order sheet.
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