加油的网络解释 篇一
1、add oil:加油加油 (Add Oil) 哦~~其实我中间关站了约一年吧!很多很多事令不不得不把网页的事先行放下。 所以之后就退出罗!只是还是很常到糖(oce space)那里去拜访,后来重拾心情才又回来开站的',虽然人气不比以前好罗!不过还是有好多好多以前认识的朋友来跟我打招呼^^
2、Come on:昨天(yesterday)是我的生日(birthday)我做了很多(lots of)有意义的事情, 你能根据提示完成我的小习作吗?你真棒(wonderful),你也可以写英语作文了!继续加油(come on)啊!
3、refuel:(4)方式选择(MODE SELECT)电门测试高油位(HI LEVEL)灯将模式选择电门放置到加油(REFUEL)位,调节预选器得到预选油量,飞机开始自动加油(此时三个加油活门放置在正常位,由自动加油逻辑控制开关)。
4、fighting:' 距离(distance) 宁愿距离在现实中 至少物理上能量 只要肯干花时间就能缩短 若在人们的心中 则是与生俱来 那便是最遥远的距离加油(fighting)哎!
加油的双语例句 篇二
I life in have you of the day, when and all and you together at, as long as your happiness I would also lead of happiness of, I would effort, for oneself also for believe me encouragement my each person to encourage!
And we drove by car and I remember stopping at the petrol station and just on the autobahn.。.
I think I would use this filler for initial sealing and filling before the first primer coat on my next project.
My car run out of oil. Do you know where the nearest gas station is.
Record of inspection: wire rope should be inspected regularly, and all the records should be kept carefully.
I resolve to work with neglected children -- my own.
7、加油,想想,如果是考试,你写得内容如果更丰富完美些,会得到更高的分数金钱+ 5
Third, you must be friendly to every playactor.
This time of year, we really need to kick on.
My car is runing out of gas, do you know where is the nearest gas station.
My car is almost runing out of gas, do you know where the nearest gas station is?
My car is runing out of gas, do you know where's the nearest gas station?
A prototype of the company`s Transition—a two-seater with wings that can be folded at the touch of a button and four wheels for use on the road, and fuelled by regular petrol bought from a filling station—made its maiden flight earlier this year.
加油的英文翻译 篇三
加油[jiā yóu]
come on:快点;开始;前进;开始工作。
to cheer sb. on
fuel charging:加油,加燃料。
fuel filling:加油。