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英语经典幽默笑话5. 篇一

F: Do you know why I punish you, Peter?

S: I don’t know, Dad, But why?

F: Because you’ve hit a boy younger than you.

S: But I'm younger than you, Dad. Why do you hit me?

英语经典幽默笑话9. 篇二

A: Why do people call their own language their mother tongue?

B: Because their fathers seldom get a chance to use it.

英语经典幽默笑话11. 篇三

A man went to a movie theatre and was surprised to find a woman with a big dog sitting in front of him. Even more astonishing was the fact that the dog always laughed in the right places throughout the comedy.

“ Excuse me, “ the man asked the woman, “ but I think it is fantastic that your dog enjoys the film so much.”

“ I’m surprised myself, “ she replied. “ He hated the book.”

英语经典幽默笑话14. 篇四

“Mother,” asked John after his birthday party, “ May I have a piece of cake, only a small piece, please?”

“ No,” replied his mother, “ You’ve had quite enough.”

“ Well, may I sleep with a bit under my pillow? “ asked the boy.

“ Very well, here you are, and remember to keep it un书包www.haoword.com范文der your pillow. Now run along to bed.”

When she came t John’s room some time later, she saw John sleeping peacefully with the pillow over his stomach.

英语经典幽默笑话2. 篇五

A man walked into a crowded restaurant and caught the eye of a harried waiter. “ You know,” he said, “ it’s been ten years since I came in here.”

“ Don’t blame me.” The waiter snapped, “ I’m working as fast as I can.”


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