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一. 活动所需道具及佈场所需物品:









二. 活动所需演员:

1.场内dj, vj, dancer以及灯光师。






三. 活动流程:待定(根据当地潮人出没的习惯时间而定)。








五. 经费预算


1. 树叶,树藤等物品待定(根据当地价格)。

2. 佈场所需的假动物每个10-20元不等(网上价格)。

3. 演员与场内工作人员的服装及饰品每人100-200不等。


4. 手指激光灯(绿色)每个1.5元 (网上价格)。

5. 闪光泡沫棒,荧光棒每根1.5-2.5元不等,数码闪字棒30元





1.场内dj, vj, dancer, 灯光师,调酒师按平日工资结算。












二、 酒吧场内中空区域制作巨型蜘蛛网一张,蜘蛛网上下吊蜘蛛或南瓜灯等造型,蜘蛛网以白色宽布绳为原料,当晚开启大紫光炮后,蜘蛛网会呈现异样白色,尤其显眼,规划方案《酒吧万圣节节日派对策划方案》。

三、 所有楼面服务人员、吧女、dj台工作人员一律脸部彩绘鬼妆制造气氛。

四、 面向所有客人赠送鬼面具、鬼指甲等相关道具,共同营造互动之夜。

五、 开场舞及秀台舞紧扣魔鬼主题,服装、道具、头套及灯光、音乐支持。

六、 选择一档质量上乘嘉宾作压轴表演,将气氛推向高潮。

七、 在当晚零点前,设立抽奖时段,一等奖:洋酒套餐一份;二等奖:高级电动万圣节玩偶一只;三等奖:中档电动万圣节玩偶一只。








的心悄悄的开始萌动。在您流连于桃花与柳絮纷飞时,是否感到了孤单?当您徜徉于熙来攘往的街头时,你是否感到了寂寞?那就在一周的辛苦工作后加入这个派对吧,放松一下自己的心情,给自己一个心动的理由!!本周末我们在玉渊潭湖畔的“好喜吧”组织单身贵族联谊活动。伫立在酒吧的窗前,环湖的翠绿尽收眼底,淡淡的樱花弥漫芬芳------也许就在您关掉手机的那一刻,快乐与机遇就扑面而来-----现场组织丰富的游戏并安排乐队吉它表演,让大家在互助游戏和浪漫的环境中相互了解、相互熟悉,说不定您会找到梦中的他/她!届时还有更大惊喜,主办方会请到音乐圈中神秘嘉宾(国内四大琴师之一)亲临现场!活动类型:单身男女交友派对参加人数:女士15人/男士15人适合年龄:20岁-35岁活动时间:2014年4月9日下午17:00---21:00活动地点:玉渊潭公园西门内向东50米好喜吧价 格:rmb118元(含活动内的全部费用)晴朗的天气能体现在好喜吧注意事项:1.参加活动的男士、女士最好着休闲装和方便活动的轻便鞋(当然越漂亮越好了!)。2.30人(女士15人/男士15人)成团;如人数有差本次活动取消。3.报名将于4月7日中午12点之前截止,报名后交费。(您可以选择上门收款或汇款方式)4.报名并已交费者如果临时有变化不能参与,请在4月8日中午12点之前通知活动主办方,否则不仅费用不退,还将受到严重口头谴责,因为此交友活动男女参与者均为1:1,您的行为影响了其它活动参与者。活动细节:17:00集合(入场时每人领一个号码,贴在胸前。)17:10活动开始(活动期间尽情享用精美小吃与软饮)游戏1:sayyousayme(贵族们相互介绍,你要记住自己心仪对像的名字哟!)游戏2:佳人在此(你有机会与心仪对象“零距离”!)17:50在现场乐队的吉它声中进餐18:20活动继续游戏3:同心协力(先生可一定要照顾好与你携手的美眉,不然要是比赛落到最后一名,可是要吃粉拳的哟!)游戏4:心有灵犀(试试你与他/她的心灵感应度到底是多少!)游戏5:敞开心扉(第一轮)(这可是你了解他/她表达的好机会,更是你向他/她表达的大好机会!)游戏6:偷天陷阱(美眉试试你的他听不听指挥!)游戏7:背道而驰(你们一定要同步进行哟,不然就会-----)游戏8:敞开心扉(第二轮)游戏9:游龙接凤(这可是才艺大比拼的时候,正是你向他/她显示自我的机会!)游戏10:水晶之恋(黄色,真的好想你;粉红色,爱你一生不变;你要送给他/她什么样的水晶呢?)游戏11:敞开心扉(第三轮)20:00水面放下许愿灯。(有缘人可将你们的美丽愿望共同放飞在静谧的湖面,看着烛火慢慢远去,你的心或许也有新的感悟------)20:20自由活动。您可以半躺在软椅中望着湖水体味着都市中难得的安静,也可以在现场吉它的低吟中与新朋好友轻声私语,更可以什么都不做,在音乐和烛光中发呆------(此环节将视时间而定)21:00活动结束活动后一周内,我们将会把活动的vcd光盘寄到您手中。愿每一位朋友都能乘兴而来,尽兴而归。欢迎您来电垂讯!活动主办:北京世界**咨询有限公司联合主办:北京好喜吧热线电话:



net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: information home page > recreational originality > bar all saints’ day sends pair of activities to engineer plan bar all saints’ day to send pair of activities to engineer plan on october 11, 2014 15:56:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, vi design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. release offer a reward instantly >> interesting bar all saints’ day sends pair of activities, can attract the presence of more client, those who promote bar is famous spend and turnover. so is bar all saints’ day sent how to be engineered to this? small make up here collect 3 bar all saints’ day sends pair of activities to engineer plan. in order to offer reference! shanghaiwin bar masquerade sends address of schematic to mobile program activity activity: time of shanghaiwin bar activity: on october 31, 2014 mobile form: masquerade + bender + performance + award all saints’ day night of 10 thousand emperor (halloween)(calls ghost the section again, allhallows is overnight) be in annual on october 31, it is the traditional festival of english world, main popularity at north america, do not list bump archipelago, australia, canada and new zealand. that evening the child can put on negligee, wear a mask, collect candy from door to door. english of night of 10 thousand emperor says “ halloween “ , for “ allhalloweve “ abbreviate, it is to point to allhallows (the night before last of allhallow’sday) , be similar to the christmas eve to be called “ christmaseve “ . “hallow “ originate mediaeval english halwen, very as adjacent as holy etymology, in the certain area of scotland and canada, allhallows still is called “ allhallowmas “ , means is in commemorate all sages (hallow) that day, the mass ceremony that should hold (mass) . night of 10 thousand emperor rises with the thing connection of clever different normally. think allhallows is the time that soul world approachs the world most on european tradition, the jar orchid item of this fokelore and china is similar. the anoka of american minnesota is so-called be “ of world allhallows “ , hold you qingzhu of large make one’s rounds every year. spot environment decorates happy, horrible, heartbeat, beautiful wine, cate, music 1, horrible a covered corridor or walk (consult guest stage) horrible a covered corridor or walk, just as its name implies is in the consult customer point of bar to build an a covered corridor or walk namely, inside the lamplight with demon unreal (be like deep green, deep blue the lamplight of this one type) , bloodcurdling sound effect, fearsome prop (skeleton, batty, phantom) the environment that decorates a your popular feeling to jump, satisfy the state of mind of contemporary youth seek novelty, make the relaxation that employee obtains heart body in what work tensely, explain the definition of horrible a covered corridor or walk faultlessly. 2, sign in, make up place and prop extend to set one backdrop at the end entry point of horrible a covered corridor or walk board, sign in place is before setting board, oneself can be gotten to like a mask by calling card after sign in (80) dress (be restricted to perform participator only 20) , 3 makeup girl make up to the employee that is willing to make up (ghost makeup) , make up and the

principle of prop is master can make sure someone else admits not to come out below the premise that is willing in oneself, all article are ok leave in the care of is putting packet of part, after getting ready, enter. 3, hall of mobile hall activity uses lamplight, stage property the atmosphere that symphonious effect decorates an allhallows, add a few horror evil the young stage property that make. all employee of • of dress prop modelling make up, wear allhallows all sorts of doing the guest that before originality of strange dress activity heats up activity of dance, orgiastic, performance, award to begin, times to show up ahead of schedule, leave in the care of drops all article to loosen heart back to enter the arena, communicate in mobile spot freedom, enjoying by “ ghost “ surrounding the atmosphere that enjoys cate and beautiful wine. first act - mc speech compere (draw azrael makeup) come on the stage, announce mobile detailed rules, mobile award, award; award cent is two kinds: one kind is the the award of outfit of the most fearsome move that spot honored guest chooses, most fearsome make up award, most lei ren makes up award, most lei ren is the move is the outfit award, most elegant outfit award, best elegant make up, let other honored guest choose, decide by applause and hurrah size who is winner; the 2nd act - dj speech dj announces tonight award content, all honored guests that what large award is awaiting the spot the 3rd act - honored guest freedom heats up dance to come freedom of 20 minutes heats up field honored guest dance (mutual to everybody very unfamiliar had not admitted to give opposite party the 4th act - him employee activity of add to the fun is organized by shanghaiwin employee interior, let employee have more participate in feeling and be in harmony of whole company group to be an organic whole, make whole group more active to appearing more passionate; the 5th - the the most fearsome outfit award that honored guest of spot of decide on awards through discussion chooses, most fearsome make up award, most lei ren makes up award, most lei ren is worn outfit award, best, let other honored guest choose, decide by applause and hurrah size who is winner; award and custom-built pot are issued after judging a winner. after the 6th a person of exemplary virtue that move wine performs decide on awards through discussion to end, in cocktail stage, we can view and admire the acrobatics moving wine with the wonderful excellent division that move wine, sampling the spot debugs “ ghost wine “ (for the drink) with this second tailor-made activity. the 7th - the thematic dancing that thematic dancing beautiful shanghaiwin designs for present honored guest place is excellent, bring you unprecedented shock sense. the 8th - hot dance with sth in one’s hands + swing honored guest heats up dance, to the top of one’s bent orgiastic, freedom communication, sample beautiful wine! the activity ends the end of midnight, the clique arrived to also going end, next each honored guest, oneself honored guest card on the belt gets elegant souvenir to exit! mobile schedule 21: 00-21: 30- sign in, enter the arena (through horrible a covered corridor or walk, make up, the prop that get) 21: 40-21: beautiful apply colours to a drawing of 50 – horrible lamplight atmosphere, mc speaks, announce mobile detailed rules 21: 50-22: 00 – dj announces tonight enchanted award. 22: 00-22: 15- clique is right begin formally, the freedom of dc and honored guest heats up dance 22: 15-22: interior of 30 – shanghaiwin plans a program 3 22: 30-23: 30- spot decide on awards through discussion, award and spot award prize 23: 30-23: performance of division of 40- attune spirits moves wine and can cite directly 23: 40-23: the freedom of 55 – dc and honored guest heats up dance 23: 55-00: 05 – that evening thematic dancing is excellent 00: 05-00: 15 – dj is beautiful 00: 15-00: 30- heats up dance + swing 00: 30-01: 30-dj is beautiful 01: 30-02: 30-solo is beautiful 02: 30- activity ends------the honored guest leaves an all saints’ day of bar of a mani of the souvenir that get false in order the face hands in friend to send

the annual to mobile activity setting all saints’ day that will be the west on november 1, allhallows is overnight on october 31. it is spirit division of the west. exciting, fashionable, the allhallows clique of halfback is right more and more get of the youngster chase after hold in both hands. have this on anxiety e net takes the lead, by go up center of ceremony of marriage of anxiety city perfect conjugal bliss, the allhallows false face that with amani bar undertakes hands in friendly clique to be opposite with be in late on october 29 a mani bar together “ ghost “ the mask that mixes ~~~~ novelty. dress, perfect phonic effect, the lamplight of blindfold, bloody angel, additional kind the spot, enough makes you mad come extremely, the of all kinds that can let you more is amused. in exciting game, association arrives more friends. what still waiting for? come! let us create fear together, together game makes friend. challenge your courage with the action, abreact with the shriek your uneasiness, it is before this allhallows the garment, make us one case mad, a joy! activity that evening, ceremony of marriage of perfect conjugal bliss still is the person that joins an activity to offer rich demon mask freely, fashionable gift. everybody has an opportunity to receive large award of of all kinds amount in the activity more! mobile flow one: arrive at the door a mani, get of all kinds mask and stage property, with 5 pieces the bosom that make friend is stuck. enter horror. exciting spo(请您继续关注好范文网:wWw.HaowOrD.COm)t. 2: the activity began formally at 8 o’clock. act the compere of belfry eccentric or pirate captain to come on the stage. begin sound effect reachs light. bloody angel is performed, skeleton dance is performed. 3: game link: male. female each a certain number of cent 2 groups. 1: unconscious eye eats cake men and women each one person covers an eye, add one commander again. each one person cheats the men and women eye, respective station is in 2 meters in the distance, place turns after the circle, the cake that gets on him hand below the commander’s countersign feeds mouth of the other side in, generation has tacit reward most “ the fastest “ , the most decorous award “ mouth and hand are the cleanest “ 2: the men and women is bought come up 10 or so men and womens, regard as maly a yuan, regard as femaly 0.5 yuan. sign up for on one price when compere, the men and women holds posse in the arms quickly by this price, do not have what be together or wrong fall into disuse. final meeting remnant a pair of men and womens, win a prize finally. 3: give an irrelevant answer problem of preparative 5~10 problem and answer, throw into confusion them at will, 2 pairs take earphone, have among them one pair says a problem at will, another pair says the result at will. the fault must reply very do laugh, what be opposite with coincidence is much person win a prize finally. 4: the mouth is hand assuming 2 pairs, each send one person antagonism, 1~5 number, respective mouth says one word, express with the hand at the same time, what the hand cannot say with the mouth is same, can not say same number at the same time. wrong person fall into disuse. the group that leaves finally is gotten the better of, have reward. 5: culminating password and super cocktail compere place one word first, 2 teams say a number, compere can remind every time is in a few ~ a few, say, teammate pours on one kind of raw material to goblet, finally, one teammate respecting this is culminating password, teammate of the other side divides the cocktail that drinks this cup of the five flavors. 6: mysterious link has one netizen to be below circumstance of unwitting of the other side, propose to her! mobile content decided at the higher level but not officially announced! among the activity, have dancing and small magic, suddenly turn hostile, sing wait for a program. 4: the spot is favorite to oneself can to him “ she “ the card making friend that affixes you. judge to finally go out to have glamour reward most, most hey award, the most recreant award, etc. whole place arranges plan of plan of bar all saints’ day should comprehensive, can be decorated in the light of different concoctive subject (bar activity

theme can consult bar is applicable the mobile) that engineers a part, all places and personnel should undertake impersonative, the security personnel of the doorway can wear phantom of 10 thousand emperor to take, the hand takes stage property of emulation ax bolo each 1. what need ghost of prop allhallows garland, 10 thousand emperor to call the lamp, emulation ax, ghost to take gift of night waiting for demon: can publicize a dot as when early days is publicized, every audience that enter the arena all is given “ demon night gift “ . gift had better be to order do above the little present that mark has name of a place where people gather for various purposes, the gift should concern couplet with 10 thousand emperor. cannot order the word that become because of a few reasons really, can send a devil fingernail, make the gift such as quite young toy. consumption achieves the guest that certain specified amount spends, can gain the opportunity that the devil takes a picture, stand namely pat mobile photo. the name that reachs the wine water in a place where people gather for various purposes food instead and the name; that 10 thousand emperor concern or offer appropriative of a piece of allhallows alone “ winelist of 10 thousand emperor “ , classical b52 is bomber, bloody marie, for instance diabolical bullet. below, 360 perform art net to offer a few comfortable costar art, the water of newest originality wine that bar rolls out in allhallows and food: 1, clotted blood: a bloody strawberry sauce, a few put to be made by panocha inside but edible bloodsucker tooth. 2, sibylline green tear: the green that mix by mango juice, orange juice and lemonade and becomes is floating above ropy drink chocolate of appearance of a small spider. 3, the drivel of bloodsucker: show muddy green it seems that reach pineapple juice modulation by juice of chengdu of malibulinwine, mango, orange and go up into beverage adorn panocha of a caterpillar. 4, triumphant li cursed childhood: sanguine beverage, what need material to be juice of malibulinwine, pomegranate wine, pineapple to reach juice of small gong mei. 5, tartarean blaze: french anisette and dabasike are hot sanded department modulation and into, wine sex very intense, drink rise voice as catching fire general, someone says that feeling resembles using licorice canal to attract chili white in voice. 6, blood washs tokyo: the soup that eyeball floats on blood () of luo song soup. 7, shadow of late night coffin: the brazilian pig that the cheng zai inside the biscuit of bier appearance chooses meticulously carries rib on the back, sauce of the barbecue on back rib besmear bloats makings bake make and become, insert finally on the cross that toothpick or biscuit do, drench on strawberry sauce. 8, moonlight bat: egg whip cooperates design of bat of make it ofgucluck pink, the bat with lubricious chocolate of egg whip collocation, do not have artistic concept one time! 9, handleless cup of pumpkin of 10 thousand emperor: pumpkin of 10 thousand emperor blames gold melon make it modelling, a place of strategic importance enters ball of fruit of of all kinds inside, drench on salad. pumpkin mouth place can pour on a few ketchup, sensory resembling is a pumpkin in haematemesis. 10, the snacks of cacodaemon dish: a dish of snacks, inside biscuit of panocha of hairiness caterpillar panocha, formative of eyeball jelly, false tooth, cross is waited a moment. 11, maneating mad kitchen (q edition) : the small candy of bone condition is inserted inside gules emperor female fruit, make its look like the drumstick shape that is edition of a q. dish inside the ornament is other 10 thousand emperor are small act the role of article. 12, blood explodes brains: the practice of japanese bean curd cooks a tender bean curd (the site that becomes now without the condition buys off-the-peg jellied bean curd also but) , drench above on gules strawberry sauce or ketchup, can put in pumpkin handleless cup, also can be put in biscuit to do “ bier box “ in, can put even curium the plastic model ahead of the half. 13, person pork fork cooks a package: a dish of common a steamed dumping with the dough gathered

at the top, dish inside lay a foundation with a ketchup, the face adorns maggot form gum on. water of wine of originality of other all saints’ day, food: woman’s head-ornaments of noodle of cake of poll of dish of insect of haemal lollipop, allhallows, allhallows, mummy, skeleton wraps an attention: the adornment of drink and food upper part also wants enough “ horrible “ oh, can be maize pumpkin style with sculpture of orange of a few small gold, the umbrella of paper of black small ornament that inserts design of on 10 thousand emperor, the jolly roger. interactive little game: 1, dig pumpkin match: the audience of the spot but raise one’s hand signs up enter this activity, this field consumption is in optional also choose of xx above qualified enter an activity. the appliance that the guest that sign up can dig pumpkin through guessing the means of treasure chest to get (according to taking part in the match the number prepares case of a few treasure, different implemental) puts inside: have balata glove, small spoon, small club (have thick have fine) , toothpick, small bowl. do laugh was in namely of this prop get on, every guest should be in after guessing treasure chest, oneself take out prop to show an audience in the spot with one’s own hands, somebody takes pretty good ladle, small stick, somebody takes thicker than pumpkin diameter stick, or toothpick, the audience below the stage sees meet belly laugh. next the player can get melon of gold of a pieplant each (dissection beforehand uppermost 1/4 is in) , in fixed time, who to see dig pumpkin clean first. (the player that takes small appliance can dig pumpkin only with the hand, the spot is very funny) 2, 10 thousand emperor are gluttonous ghost: choose 10 to participate in an activity from inside the audience, the competition takes pumpkin, precondition the pumpkin with a few good evaporate, cut piece, resemble at ordinary times what watermelon cuts is big in that way one valve can, prepare 50 segment or section in all, each 5 valve, who to see eat first, choose before going out 3 to award prize. before 3 can be arranged brush mouth to serve as award for its by beautiful ds.






时间: 7月12日—14日 晚19:30—凌晨(因酒吧晚19:30分进入营业状态)








1、老客户电话报名登记资料 2、现场入场报名 二、宣传方式:

秘密花园酒吧相关人员陌陌、微信 秘密花园老客户短信群发 酒吧户外广告

酒吧邀请券5000-10000张(数量暂定) 夜色酒吧前期每晚演绎主持人口播 其他礼品宣传等 三、入场方式:


每位女士可领取面具一个,男士有要求的吧台领取。 四、活动流程: 1、开场舞

2、主持人致词,说明活动主题及流程 3、节目热场 4、互动游戏 5、有奖游戏 6、配对成功颁奖 五、现场互动内容:



(特殊派对贴成功对对碰即可获得更为丰富的礼品) 2、玫瑰女人选拔


此时现场互动火热之后,可进行11朵玫瑰拍卖活动,给予对现场美女心仪的男士表达的机会! 3、转身遇到爱

一群男士将三位女士围在中间,背对各位男士开始转圈,音乐停止即脚步停止,转身看到的男士,满意则牵手单聊,不满意则可继续游戏。 4、交友方式




找自己的缘分 六、派对整体布置

“浪漫隧道”+“情缘交友墙” “浪漫隧道”

利用店铺靠近停车场出口的优势,门口用彩灯、花瓣等营造气氛、吸引人气。从客人进门处开始遍散花瓣,墙壁如有位置可摆放大把玫瑰花,玫瑰花让顾客一进到场内就能感受到现场浪漫的气氛。 “情缘交友墙”

在墙壁上设一交友留言墙,以喷绘形式,以花瓣和女性人物为背景,成粉红色基调从而烘托浪漫的气氛。 七、场内布置

每桌放置一朵玫瑰花(玫瑰女人互动环节使用)酒吧内部地面及酒吧座位上,可用玫瑰花瓣遍洒,场内花篮吊坠。 八、执行方案:



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