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I can do it教案

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《I can do it》





表演能力合作能力 沟通能力 互助精神




1. 学完本课学生能掌握故事里的动词词组,并运用到生活中;

2. 学完本课学生能够熟练运用五个重点句型Hello everybody, my name is...../I can...../I can help my parents./ Can you do it?与I can do it;

3. 通过学习主线故事能够将其复述并且能够把故事以小组表演的形式呈现出来;

4. 通过学习小熊之家的故事来升华主题;

5. 通过本课的内容以及在老师的引导下学生能够明白try our best to help our parents at home.(尽我们最大的努力帮助父母做家务)这个价值升华。


1. 经过三年多英语的学习,学生已经掌握了很多拼读技巧,并能够把这些拼读技巧运用到故事阅读中;

2. 学生已经掌握了重大版英语四年级上册第五单元里动物园动物的单词并且能够迅速看图识单词;

3. 学生已经掌握了重大版英语四年级上册四单元的动词以及句型I can.....He can.....She can.....;

4. 老师已经让学生补充学习了重大版英语五年级下册一单元关于做家务的动词词组,在此课前学生已经掌握这些词组。


1.复习已学单词(动物的单词)与句型(sb can do sth);

2.掌握故事种的4组动词词组与重点句型I am.../I can..../Can you do it?/I can do it;















Step1、Greetings、review and warm-up


1. T:Okay, class begins. Hello boys and girls. Nice to see you. How are you today? Great! Sit down please.

2. First of all, I will divide you into four groups, each group will present an animal.Eg. Group one you are elephant, let’s say, elephant, elephant go,go,go. Finally, we will see which animal can climb the fast!

3. Okay, I prepare a game for you to review the verbs and phrases we learned, are you ready? Let’s go.

1. 解释分组明确今日评比机制;

2. 游戏复习动词单词及动词词组



1. Before the class, let me introduce myself to you. Let’s watch a video about me first.

2. Can you chant with me? Let’s say, I can...and how about you? (ask some students to introduce themselves)

3. So much for this. And as you can see,I am a zookeeper. I like zoo animals very much. Today I will take you to the zoo to have fun. Are you ready to enjoy?

4. Look at this map. This is our schedule today. At first, we will go to a forest to see the animals. Then we will go to a theater to watch a show. After that we are going to visit a bear’s home. Finally, we will go to a gift shop to buy some gifts.

1. 老师通过自我介绍让学生了解自己,因此也跟学生进行互动,同时让学生复习句型I can...

2. 介绍今日行程让学生对本堂课有一个初步的认识



1. First, let’s go to the forest. Guess what animal is it?(play the puzzle game) You have to answer like this, It’s a/an... And, what can they do? You can answer me like this, monkeys can climb. Monkeys can drink cola.

2. Great job everybody! We have to move to the next station. Yes, it’s a theater, the animals here are having a talent show. Let’s go inside and have a look.

3. After the video, can you answer the following questions? What animals do you see in the video? Yes, we can see a giraffe, a monkey, an elephant and a gorilla. Do you remember what they can do? Maybe you don’t remember but it’s okay. Let’s watch the video again and take out your worksheet and your pens as well, match the pictures with the phrases while listening. At the same time, I want to invite a student to come to the front to put these phrases into the right places, who can try?

4. Do you agree with him/her? Let’s watch the videos about what the animals can do one by one and check the answers. Yes, we can see that the giraffe says I can bend my neck; The monkey says I can waves my arms; The elephant says I can stomp my foot; The gorilla says I can thumb my chest. He/She is all right. Are you all right? Great!

5. Now, let’s watch the individual picture of these four animals. Oh, look! The giraffe has a long neck, so he says bend my neck. Can you bend your neck? Yes! And can you do the action? Besides this, can we bend our fingers? What else can we bend? Yes, we can bend our body..... Use the same way to teach wave my arms, stomp my feet, thump my chest.(let the students create their own phrases)

6. Now let’s retell the story together. Remember to do the actions!

1. 通过看图说单词让学生快速复习动物的单词;

2. 通过让学生说一说动物能做什么再次复习动词以及动词词组;

3. 通过拍手chant来活跃课堂气氛的同时让学生得到语言训练;

4. 通过两次观看视频,让学生对故事有大致的了解;

5. 通过一道连线题让学生进一步理解这些动物所做的动作;

6. 精读并操练使学生基本掌握故事里的动词词组;

7. 把每组词组拓展、延申,让学生能够真正理解这些动词词组的意思以及把它们运用起来;

8. 复述故事来检测学生对故事的掌握程度



1. Now, we are going to do the role play. Here are some tips for you. Remember these tips when you perform. Also, here are more animals and verbs you can choose when you perform, it’s great if you can be creative when perform.I will give you three minute to practice in your group.Then we will have a big talent show together!

2. Now,it’s time to show. As you can see, we have some standards too. You will be scored according to these standards after the show. So please be active in the show, okay?(invite at least two groups to show, after the show, ask some students to give some comments to their performance and also give scores)

1. 通过以小组形式表演再一次检测学生对故事的理解与掌握程度,并且锻炼学生的表达与表演能力

2. 通过学生互评让学生在评价别人或听取别人点评的过程中互相学习,共同进步。



1. You all did a good job. Oh, look, there is a bear’s home. Let’s go inside to have a look. Let’s listen to what the bear is saying.

2. Oh, the bear’s bedroom is so messy. But the bear’s parents are not at home. What will bear do? He is making the bed and cleaning the room. He is a good helper right? He can help his parents. He is a good bear and good kid.

3. Sue can also help parents at home. Let’s watch a video about Sue.

4. Okay, everybody. Now, you can discuss in in your group and tell others what you can do to help your parents. After that, please turn your worksheet to the other side. Please take out your pen and fill in the blanks. Then you can chant like what Sue does in the above video.( practice for two minutes and then invite some students to show)

5. Excellent. At last, I want to show you a video, it’s about the foreign kids helping their parents at home. And I’d like to tell you that we should try our best to help our parents at home.

1. 通过走进小熊之家让学生看到小熊是如何整理自己的房间并且思考自己应该怎么做;

2. 通过小组讨论,让学生之间互相了解别人在家会怎么做,从而达到相互学习的效果;

3. 通过老师的chant,联系自身情况,创编属于自己的chant;

4. 通过外国小朋友做家务的视频升华主题:尽自己最大的努力帮助父母做家务

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