nurse用法 篇一
汉语中的“保姆”,英语通常称dry nurse; 汉语中的“奶妈”,英语通常称wet nurse。
A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him.一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。
The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
The nurse is preparing the child to go to hospital.保姆正在为孩子住院作准备。
nurse可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主动形式有时有被动意义。
We'll have to put the baby to nurse.我们只能请人照看婴孩。
You need a housekeeper to nurse your property.你需要雇用一名管家来精心料理你的家产。
This disease is very hard to nurse.这种病很难护理。
1、“Can you walk all right?” the nurse asked him.
2、We're going to go home and nurse our colds.
3、She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers' rest-home.
nurse英语例句库 篇二
1.The nurse had been airlifted to Kinshasa.这位护士被用飞机送到金沙萨。
2.Some patients make a convenience of nurses.有些病人过分利用护士们的热心服务。
3.This disease is very hard to nurse.这种病很难护理。
4.I'll sign on with a nursing agency.我将与一家保育机构签约。
5.She takes up nursing as a career.她以看护为职业。
6.The nurse lapped a bandage about his wrist.护士把他的腕部包上绷带。
7.The nurse bathed the wound with disinfectant water.护士用消毒水冲洗伤口。
8.It's cheaper for most nurses to live in.对大多数护士来说, 住在医院里要便宜一些。
9.The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it.护士先把伤口弄干净后才把它缝合。
10.The nurse bent down and kissed the child.护士俯身, 吻了吻那个孩子。
11.The nurses wore masks and close-fitting white caps.护士们戴着口罩和紧紧扣住头发的白帽子。
12.The matron bore down upon the terrified nurses.护士长逼近了那些惊慌的护士们。
13.A nurse is on the move all day.护士整日忙个不休
14.The baby is nursing at its mother's breasts.那孩子正在吃妈妈的奶。
15.The nurse assisted with the preparation of the medicine.护士帮助准备药品。
16.Have you had any practice in nursing the sick?你有护理病人的经验吗?
17.Much was spent nursing the place back to health.为了修缮这个地方使之重放光彩而花费了不少钱。
18.The nurse wore a pleated cap on her head.护士头上戴着打褶的小帽。
19.She asked the nurse how long her agony must last.她问护士, 她的极端痛苦要延续多久。
20.The nurses are instructed not to consort with their patients.
nurse词组 |习惯用语 篇三
head nurse 护士长
at nurse ◎(孩子)由别人照看(或抚养);◎(家产)由别人代管;
wet nurse n. 奶妈;乳母
male nurse 男护士
registered nurse 注册护士
nurse station 护士站
nurse practitioner 护理师,护师;执业护师,开业护士
student nurse 护士生
charge nurse 护士长;(英)病室护士
nurse的意思 篇四
n. 护士,看护,奶妈,保姆,阿妈,保育员,保护人,培养者,养成所,发祥地,[植]保护树,[虫]保护虫,保育虫,[动]世代交替的无性期的个体
vt.& vi. 护理,照料,喂,吃奶
vt. 培育,怀抱,搂抱,调治
变形:过去式: nursed; 现在分词:nursing; 过去分词:nursed;