Youth and social values
Nowadays, the young generation has experienced major changes in different forms. In particular, the social values of young people today are very different from what they were 200 years ago. Today’s young people belong to the generation that leaves education behind. They are more exposed to all sorts of temptations and their social values also tend to change along with the rapid growing society. This leaves one question to be answered: what is ultimately responsible for such huge changes in young people’s social attitude towards politics? Therefore, what of the most concern in this article is about what young people’s attitude towards politics and what make them shaped such attitude and why.
In the former literature review, we discussed the topic about what the young people’s attitude toward crime and politics. From the two relevant articles, we have collected information in relation to the young people’s attitudes towards society in terms of crime and politics. What is worth mentioning is that young people of today are treating issues such as crime and politics in a much different way than older people do. Young people have different opinions towards these issues and often take a different approach when analyzing them, which older people might not appreciate. Young people do take crime seriously but they are not dominated by the concerns of it. Alternatively, speaking of politics, the social value towards it changed without hesitation, for young people no longer regard it as the center of all their activities and even exclude it out of their daily lives. The way young people express themselves is not through traditional mediums such as public speech, but through their behaviors and actions, which tend to be more radical and sometimes even extreme. They no longer need to make a sound to be heard; they react.
The way young people express themselves is not through traditional mediums such as public speech, but through their behaviors and actions, which tend to be more radical and sometimes even extreme. They no longer need to make a sound to be heard; they react.
In an attempt to answer this question, I have been conducted several interviews with different groups of people including existing university student, university teachers and university graduates who are already in the workforce. These interviews are designed to identify different groups’ views towards young people’s social values and whether or not such social values, in some ways, have made the society better off. In order to make it more clearly to my interviewees, and also make me easier to analyze and conclude the results, I asked four short questions during my survey. They are: 1.How often do young people watch TV news or surf on the internet to seek some information about politics? ; 2.Have young people ever voted for any political activities? ; 3.In the political system, which part do you care about most? ; 4.What is the most important element affects young people in shaping their attitude towards politics.