1. introduction to quantitative risk assessment
risk analysis is a valuable tool in the management of
microbial food safety issues and can provide a systematic
approach for the regulatory authorities and the food industry
to control the risk posed by a pathogen in a particular
food commodity. risk analysis consists of three elements:
risk assessment, risk management and risk communication.
risk assessment is the scientific part of the process in which
the hazards are identified and the risk posed by that particular
hazard (i.e. pathogen) is calculated. the principles of
risk assessment including the four stages involved (hazard
identification, exposure assessment, hazard characterisation
and risk characterisation) are outlined by the codex
alimentarius commission (codex, 1999).
each of the stages is summarised below.
1.1. hazard identification
a hazard is defined as an agent having an adverse effect
on the public health of the human population and may
pose a short term, chronic, or fatal risk to a person. the
identification of microbial hazard associated with a particular
food is generally based on information generated from
routine microbial analysis of the commodity or from an
epidemiological linkage of a particular pathogen with a
case of food borne infection.
1.2. exposure assessment
exposure assessment is a quantitative estimation of the
presence of a contaminant in a serving of food at the time
of consumption, or as close to this stage as is scientifically
possible and practical. however, the final estimation of the numbers and prevalence of a pathogen in the food is of ten
based on an accumulation of data on the prevalence and
numbers of pathogen at key points in the food chain with
data included on how particular stages in the food chain
affect the numbers/prevalence of the pathogen. the final
step in the process estimates the amount of contaminant
in a single serving, with information on the typical amount
of food consumed in a serving procured from nutritional
the exposure assessment model can be ‘deterministic’,
i.e. derived using single data points along the food chain.
however, this approach may result in outlier values being
ignored and thus under or overestimating the risk. a more
common approach is to use a probablistic or stochastic
analysis, in which a distribution curve representing all data
is used as opposed to a single point estimate. typically a
monte carlo analysis is used to include data from all the
distributions along the chain and is done using software
such as @risk (palisade, ny, usa). in these analyses, a
single data point is chosen at random from each distribution
curve and used to calculate an outcome. the process
is repeated several thousand times (multiple iterations) with
a different data point in each distribution chosen each time
and with the final output being based on all the iterations.
the error in the predicted risk may be due to variability or
uncertainty, and there is increasing emphasis being placed
on quantifying and separating the impact of both uncertainty
and variability in risk assessments (cohen, lampson,
& bowers, 1996; pouillot, beaudeau, denis, &
derouin, 2014).
1.3. hazard characterisation
hazard characterisation relates exposure to a hazard
with the probable public health outcome (illness/death). a
dose–response relationship can be used to estimate the
amount (number) of pathogens which causes illness. the
data used in generating dose–response models are derived
from a variety of sources including human clinical trials,
epidemiological studies based on food poisoning outbreaks,
animal clinic(更多精彩内容请访问首页:wWw.haOwoRd.com)al trials, in vitro studies using cell lines,
biomarkers or expert opinion. in some cases, the dose–
responses will describe the susceptibility of different populations,
i.e. general population and immunocompromised.
1.4. risk characterisation
the final stage in the process estimates the adverse
public health effect, or risk as a consequence of exposure
to the hazard. this may be a prediction of illness per typical
serving or calculated as an annual risk of illness.
depending on the hazard characterisation data available,
the risk estimates may be broken down into age categories,
based on differences in immune status in order to
identify groups which may be at higher risk following
exposure to the contaminant. the risk characterisation
model is generally developed using commercial software such as @risk or crystal ball (decisioneering inc., denver,
usa). these programs can separate the distribution
for the overall risk prediction into uncertainty and variability
to allow more complex risk estimation and analyses
of the data. the generated model can be used to assess
which parts of the chain significantly affect risk or to
assess the changes in predicted illness by incorporation
of a new hypothetical risk mitigation strategy at a particular
point in the chain.
this paper reviews escherichia coli o157:h7 in the farm
to fork beef chain and examines how quantitative risk
assessment models have been applied to establish and manage
the risk posed. while other serovars of verocytotoxigenic
e. coli (including e. coli o26, o111, o103, o145)
are now emerging as a cause of similar illness to e. coli
o157:h7 they are not addressed in this paper as there is
still limited information on their transmission thorough
the beef chain and they have not been included in any published
quantitative risk assessment models.
2. e. coli o157:h7: human clinical aspects
e. coli o157 is a member of the enterhaemorrhagic
group of e. coli (ehec) and was first implicated in infectious
disease in the early 1980s (riley et al., 1983). the
symptoms of infection include bloody diarrhoea and severe
abdominal pain. haemolytic uraemic syndrome (hus), a
cause of acute renal failure, may be a complication of the
illness, and neurological problems in the form of thrombotic
thrombocytopaenic purpura (ttp) may also occur.
immuno-compromised patients, including young children
and the elderly, are at particular risk of developing hus.
the time from exposure to onset of symptoms ranges from
1 to 14 days (coia, 1998). however, with complications the
illness may last many months and lead to permanent damage
or even death. pathogenicity is related to the ability of
the organism to adhere to and colonise the human large
intestinal epithelial tissue, forming attachment and effacing
(ae) lesions and the production of verocytotoxins. the
e. coli verocytotoxins are closely related to the shiga toxin
of shigella dysenteriae and are typically bacteriophage
encoded. there are two main classes of verotoxin: vt1, a
homogeneous group of toxins, virtually identical to the
shiga toxin of shigella and vt2, a heterogeneous group
of toxins, more distantly related to the shiga toxin.
e. coli o157 with the eae gene and vt2 are most often
associated with hus in patients (werber et al., 2014).
outbreaks of vtec infections involving serovar o157
have now been reported from united states and canada
bell et al. (1994) (lisbea), asia (michino et al., 1998), australia
(desmarchelier, 1996), europe (tozzi, gorietti, &
caprioli, 2014), and africa (germani, soro, vohito,
morel, & morvan, 1997). however, the majority of cases
are sporadic and contribute significantly to overall cases
of infection. there is considerable variation in infection
rates between different geographical regions. in europe, the
highest rates of infection are in scotland with approximately 4 cases per 100,000 (scieh, 2014). in the republic of ireland
the incidence per 100,000 has ranged from a peak of
2.2 in 2014 to 1.3 in 2014 (hpsc, 2014). in northern europe
infection rates are very low ranging from 0.04 per
100,000 in norway and finland to 1.1 in denmark in
2014 although denmark has in 2014, reported its first general
outbreak of e. coli o157 attributed to contaminated
milk (jensen et al., 2014). in 2014, the incidence rate for
e. coli o157:h7 in north america was 0.9, a drop from
1.1 cases in 2014. in asia, japan has experienced the most
problems related to e. coli o157:h7 with an average incidence
rate of 2.74 per 100,000 between 1999 and 2014
(sakuma, urashima, & okabe, 2014). a number of sources
and reservoirs of e. coli o157 including beef and lamb,
lettuce, sprouts, fruit juices, vegetables, raw milk, water
have been implicated as vehicles of transmission (bell
et al., 1994; cowden, ahmed, donaghy, & riley, 2014;
hilborn et al., 2014; michino et al., 1999). person-to-person
is also an important mode of transmission, particularly
in day care centers (o’donnell et al., 2014) and direct contact
with animals carrying the organism or with faecally
contaminated mud (anon, 1999; crampin et al., 1999)
are also recognised sources of infection