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发布时间:2024-05-08 08:42:33 审核编辑:本站小编下载该Word文档收藏本文


Department of XXXX

School of YYY, University, P.R. China

+86 x | e: a@b.com


XXX University City or State, China

BX in XYZ Xxx 201x – Xxx 201x

·GPA [or Major GPA, whichever is higher]: 3.xx/4.00; admitted on basis of performance on national college admissions exam (x/yyyyyy) [only if impressive, can also do top %]

·Selected awards: First Prize in XXX Competition (top x% of ~X,000participants), XXX Scholarship (top 3%, awarded to those with outstanding XXX performance and XXX)

·Selected to XXX Program (top 5%, on basis of outstanding research performance)

·Exchange student at XXX University in Time period

Famous University XXX, XXX

Exchange Student Xxx 201x – Xxx 201x

·Write about your achievements here

·[Use only exchange student in separate paragraph if it’s a well known university and you want to highlight it]

Research Experience

XXXX University (Department of XXX)XXX, China

Research Assistant to Professor XXX YYY, Title [if impressive make sure to put title]Mmm 201x – Present

Title of research (funding source)

  • Insert brief overview / description of what youdid there (make sure you give reader a good sense of the BIG PICTURE / whyit matters if it is really obscure / outside of the field you are applyingfor)

  • Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)

  • Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)

  • Specific achievements / things you did / results(reference any publications in Publications section if relevant)

XXXX University (Department of XXX)XXX, USA

Research Assistant to Professor XXX YYY, Title [if impressive make sure to put title] Mmm 201x – Mmm 201x

Title of research (funding source)

  • Insert brief overview / description of what youdid there (make sure you give reader a good sense of the BIG PICTURE / whyit matters if it is really obscure / outside of the field you are applyingfor)

  • Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)

  • Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)

  • Specific achievements / things you did / results(reference any publications in Publications section if relevant)

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Include awards under Education if there arecertain really impressive and research relevant awards you want toimmediately highlight. Include competitions here. Otherwise you can putthem in a separate section.

·XXX Award (~1% in XXX)20xx

·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx

·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx

·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx

·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx

·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx

·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx

·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx

编辑推荐: 星级推荐 星级推荐 星级推荐 星级推荐 星级推荐
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  • 投诉建议 QQ
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  • 暂无