Department of XXXX
School of YYY, University, P.R. China
+86 x | e:
XXX University City or State, China
BX in XYZ Xxx 201x – Xxx 201x
·GPA [or Major GPA, whichever is higher]: 3.xx/4.00; admitted on basis of performance on national college admissions exam (x/yyyyyy) [only if impressive, can also do top %]
·Selected awards: First Prize in XXX Competition (top x% of ~X,000participants), XXX Scholarship (top 3%, awarded to those with outstanding XXX performance and XXX)
·Selected to XXX Program (top 5%, on basis of outstanding research performance)
·Exchange student at XXX University in Time period
Famous University XXX, XXX
Exchange Student Xxx 201x – Xxx 201x
·Write about your achievements here
·[Use only exchange student in separate paragraph if it’s a well known university and you want to highlight it]
Research Experience
XXXX University (Department of XXX)XXX, China
Research Assistant to Professor XXX YYY, Title [if impressive make sure to put title]Mmm 201x – Present
Title of research (funding source)
Insert brief overview / description of what youdid there (make sure you give reader a good sense of the BIG PICTURE / whyit matters if it is really obscure / outside of the field you are applyingfor)
Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)
Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)
Specific achievements / things you did / results(reference any publications in Publications section if relevant)
XXXX University (Department of XXX)XXX, USA
Research Assistant to Professor XXX YYY, Title [if impressive make sure to put title] Mmm 201x – Mmm 201x
Title of research (funding source)
Insert brief overview / description of what youdid there (make sure you give reader a good sense of the BIG PICTURE / whyit matters if it is really obscure / outside of the field you are applyingfor)
Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)
Specific achievements / things you did / results(remember, highlight the most impressive things / findings)
Specific achievements / things you did / results(reference any publications in Publications section if relevant)
Selected Awards and Honors
Include awards under Education if there arecertain really impressive and research relevant awards you want toimmediately highlight. Include competitions here. Otherwise you can putthem in a separate section.
·XXX Award (~1% in XXX)20xx
·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx
·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx
·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx
·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx
·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx
·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx
·XXX Award (try to quantify / provide context of why you were given this / how impressive it is)20xx